What?… CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. The premise behind the CSA movement is simple: Farmers offer discounts to customers that pay for their subscriptions up front and in full.
Why?… To make a never ending story short. Famers incur heavy production costs during the raising and processing of animals - and then make their money back over the course of 1-12 months. This can put us in extremely tight financial situations. So the CSA’s allow farmers to get paid upfront, why offering attractive deals.
How?… Every month our delivery team (read mom and pops) will drop off a box of meat in an insulated cooler to your home. The box will contain a revolving assortment of products - most of which are used for everyday cooking in the kitchen. From time to time we’ll throw in new roast or not so mainstream steaks to give y’all a chance to branch out.
Products can be added on to the boxes as well with a monthly subscription. Want eggs? Just add the total amount to the order (amount per month x 6 months) - want more ground beef? Do the same!
When?...Our Winter CSA will run November 2020 - April 2021.