New York Strip Loin Roast

New York Strip Loin Roast

3.5 lb Roast

The Cut - 

The New York is kinda like the quote "Jack of all trades, master of none".  It's not as tender as a filet and doesn't marble as well as a rib eye, but it does a great job of playing both sides.  This Roast really presents the full package when it comes to a cut of meat. It is full of flavor, juicy and tender, and lean. Dry Aged for 21 days, Roasts are individually packaged in 2.5lb portions. 

The Preparation -

This can be prepared similar to our Rib Roast.  Smoke it to Medium Rare and then sear on the grill for an incredible taste.  Or, you can chose your own thickness of steaks you'd like and just slice them off - a great option when we're out of steaks! 

The Location - 

The Strip comes from the back of the steer, where the muscles don’t get much of a workout. It's technically called the short loin as you can see on Betsy Below. See, we told you it was in between a rib eye and a filet!
